
Terrorist Attacks

By John Athayde
We at are shocked and saddened by the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Tuesday, and we apologize to anyone who perceived our lack of a story as an anti-American sentiment or a lack of caring. I returned home from New York to Washington DC last night. We are all personally affected by this tragedy. Dan's parents live right down the street. Ron's brother lives two blocks away. One of my friends was in Tower 2 and got out. I have not been able to establish contact with some of my friends in Mahattan. Most of us have been more preoccupied with watching the news and trying to contact friends and families and cope withthis tragedy. If you want a news feed go to or If you want to donate money to the Red Cross for their relief funds go to If you want to do your American Duty, make sure you are registered for selective service at Donate Blood. Call your family. Fly the flag. Pray. We also want to extend condolences to the Nancies whose friends and family have died. Our hearts and thoughts are with you.